고객센터 : 031-548-0481 /호스팅문의:1644-2646 /서버호스팅문의 : 070-7573-5515/ 평일근무 : 09:00~18:00 / 토/일요일, 공휴일 휴무

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나노코팅 나노엔


  • 아티보드 2.0
  • 아티보드 3.0
  • 아티카페
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솔루션 > 커뮤니티 > 사용팁


메인에 글뽑기;;; 함수로 만들어봤는데;;;|아티보드2.0

  • 조성범
  • |조회수 : 4129
  • |추천수 : 0
  • |2007-12-12 오후 6:46:31

<%Option Explicit%>
<!-- #include virtual = "/Dbconnect/Dbconnect.asp"-->
<!-- #include virtual = "/Library/Function.asp" -->
<OBJECT RUNAT="Server" PROGID="ADODB.Connection" id="Function_Main_Con"></OBJECT>
 Function Index_List_Ok(Function_Board_Text,Function_Board_Name,Function_Board_Count,Function_Board_Img,Function_Left_Cut,Function_New_Img)
 Function_Main_Con.Open DbConnect
  Dim Function_Main_Rs, Function_Main_Sql, Function_Main_C, Function_Main_C_For
  Dim Function_dateRegDate, Function_GetCutSubject, Function_strSubject

  Function_Main_Sql = "Select Top " & Function_Board_Count & " "&_
          "intSeq, strSubject, dateRegDate " &_
          "from mplus_board " &_
          "where " &_
          "strBoardID = '" & Function_Board_Name & "' AND [bitDelete] = 0 AND [bitnotice] = 0 " &_
          "order by dateRegDate desc"
          '[bitBad] = 0 AND [bitCheck] = 1 order by dateRegDate desc")

  set Function_Main_Rs = Server.CreateObject("Adodb.Recordset")
  Function_Main_Rs.Open Function_Main_Sql,Function_Main_Con,1

  If Function_Main_Rs.Eof Then
   response.write "<tr><td align='center'>등록 된 " & Function_Board_Text & "이 없습니다.</td></tr>"
   For Function_Main_C_For = 2 To Function_Board_Count
    response.write "<tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>"
   Function_Main_C = 0
   Do Until Function_Main_Rs.Eof
    Function_Main_C = Function_Main_C + 1
    response.write "<tr><td width='12' height='18' align='center' valign='middle'>"
    response.write "<img src='" & Function_Board_Img & "' border='0' /></td>"
    response.write "<td width='*' height='18'>"
    response.write "<a href=java**:Function_View_Go('" & Function_Board_Name & "','" & Function_Main_Rs("intSeq") & "');>" & GetCutSubject(Function_Main_Rs("strSubject"), Function_Left_Cut) & "</a>"
    If Function_New_Img <> "" Then
     IF GetNewBoardTime(24, Function_Main_Rs("dateRegDate")) = True Then
      response.write "<img src='" & Function_New_Img & "' border='0' align='absmiddle' />"
     End if
    End if
    response.write "</td>"
    response.write "<td width='23%'>" & Right(GetDateType(1, Function_Main_Rs("dateRegDate")),8) & "</td></tr>"
   If Function_Main_C < Function_Board_Count Then
    For Function_Main_C_For = Function_Main_C To Function_Board_Count
     response.write "<tr><td colspan='3'>&nbsp;</td></tr>"
   End if
  End If

  Set Function_Main_Rs = Nothing
 End Function

댓글 3

  • 최백호
  • 2007.12.17 18:19

asp 초보라


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