고객센터 : 031-548-0481 /호스팅문의:1644-2646 /서버호스팅문의 : 070-7573-5515/ 평일근무 : 09:00~18:00 / 토/일요일, 공휴일 휴무

1:1 고객상담문의 FAQ 자동답변

나노코팅 나노엔


  • 아티보드 2.0
  • 아티보드 3.0
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  • 파일공유사이트
솔루션 > 커뮤니티 > 사용팁


StrBoardId가 다른 갤러리게시판들 최신 6개 뽑아 스크롤링 시키기(허접해서죄송 ㅠㅠ)|아티보드2.0

  • 조성범
  • |조회수 : 3143
  • |추천수 : 0
  • |2007-06-14 오후 2:15:11
<!-- #include file = "Dbconnect/Dbconnect.asp" -->
<!-- #include file = "Library/Function.asp" -->
<script language=javascript>
var downLayerId;
var dropDegree = 5; //스크롤 속도
var doDirect;
var DirectTerm = 2000; //스크롤 지연시간
var curDropIdx = 0;
function DirectDown()
for(i = curDropIdx ;i < document.all["DropHit"].length + curDropIdx;i++){
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var temp = 'setInterval("DownLayer()",20)';
downLayerId = eval(temp);
direction = "down";
function DownLayer()
if(document.all["DropHit"][curDropIdx].style.posTop < document.all["DropHit"][curDropIdx].style.posHeight){
  for(j = curDropIdx ;j < document.all["DropHit"].length + curDropIdx;j++){
   document.all["DropHit"][j%document.all["DropHit"].length].style.posTop += dropDegree;
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  curDropIdx = (curDropIdx + 1) ;
  curDropIdx = curDropIdx > document.all["DropHit"].length-1 ? curDropIdx%document.all["DropHit"].length:curDropIdx;
  var temp = 'setInterval("DirectDown()",DirectTerm)';
  doDirect = eval(temp);
function DirectUp()
var tempIdx = 0;
for(i = 0;i<document.all["DropHit"].length;i++){
  tempIdx = (document.all["DropHit"].length + curDropIdx - i) %document.all["DropHit"].length;
  document.all["DropHit"][tempIdx].style.posTop = i*document.all["DropHit"][tempIdx].style.posHeight;
var temp = 'setInterval("UpLayer()",20)';
downLayerId = eval(temp);
direction = "up";
function UpLayer()
var tempIdx = 0;
if(document.all["DropHit"][curDropIdx].style.posTop < document.all["DropHit"][curDropIdx].style.posHeight && document.all["DropHit"][curDropIdx].style.posTop > document.all["DropHit"][curDropIdx].style.posHeight * (-1)){
  for(j = 0 ;j < document.all["DropHit"].length;j++){
   tempIdx = (document.all["DropHit"].length + curDropIdx - j) %document.all["DropHit"].length;
   document.all["DropHit"][tempIdx].style.posTop -= dropDegree;
  for(j = 0;j<document.all["DropHit"].length;j++){
   tempIdx = (document.all["DropHit"].length + curDropIdx - j) % document.all["DropHit"].length;
   document.all["DropHit"][tempIdx].style.posTop = (j-1)*(document.all["DropHit"][tempIdx].style.posHeight);
  curDropIdx = (curDropIdx - 1) ;
  curDropIdx = curDropIdx < 0 ? document.all["DropHit"].length-1:curDropIdx;
  var temp = 'setInterval("DirectUp()",DirectTerm)';
  doDirect = eval(temp);
<link href="CSS/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
<body onLoad="DirectUp();">
 SET RS = DBCON.EXECUTE("select top 6 intSeq, strBoardID, strName, strSubject, strContent, strFileImage = (select top 1 strFileName from mplus_board_file where strFileCode = mplus_board.strFileCode), dateRegDate from mplus_board where strBoardID like '58gallery%' AND [bitDelete] = 0 AND [bitBad] = 0 AND [bitCheck] = 1 order by intSeq desc")

댓글 3

겔러리 게시판이 그럼 6개가 존재해야 하는지요 1개를 쓰고있

  • 최백호
  • 2007.06.21 11:11
<% SET RS = DBCON.EXECUTE("select top 6 intSeq, strBoardID, strName, strSubject, strContent, strFileImage = (select top 1 strFileName from mplus_board_file where strFileCode = mplus_board.strFileCode), dateRegDate from mplus_board where strBoardID like '58gallery%' AND [bitDelete] = 0 AND [bitBad] = 0 AND [bitCheck] = 1 order by intSeq desc") IF RS.EOF THEN

수정 삭제

소스를 테이블에 삽입을 했는데 위 아래로 2개가 한번에 나오고 다음에는 중간에 한번 이렇게 스크롤이 됩니다. position:absolute로 하면 왼쪽 위 모퉁이에 정상적으로 스크롤이 되는데 positio

번호 제목 닉네임 조회수 작성일

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  • 조회수 3356
  • 2008.03.06

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